Sorry about this post, but its going to be one MESSY one. Get a first hand look at my dresser only here at my blog.
THIS was my dresser BEFORE I did this project. Its a Home Economics project we have wherein we have to clean a certain area of our house using the 5-S Philosophy (Sort, Set things in Order, Shine, Standardize, and Sustain! -- I officially memorize it now!). We had to document it and write a reflection paper about it and since I already had the pictures, I thought, why not post them up on my blog?
I know right, my dresser was the perfect place to do this project. Before going into any further details, I would just like to appologize for what I was wearing. I wasnt originally going to post these on my blog so I wasnt exactly that well groomed. I seem so stressed in the pictures. I think its the cleaning.
Anyway, I started out SORTING the stuff I thought werent useful anymore and those which I was unsure about. (I didnt have a "STAY" box like what miss had because there were too much things that had to stay and they definitely werent going to fit in one small box)
I found this project really amusing not only because I was able to get rid of all these clutter on my dresser that I havent been using for years but also because I was able to find old things that I used to collect when I was a kid such as these teddy bear collectibles that came with those Yan Yan snack packs before.
I was also able to find this keychain with a picture of me, my mom, and my sister in it. I was around Grade 4/5 during this time and wow, I look so different!
Anyway, after clearing out all the unecessary items I had, I started to fix the stuff that were to stay in my dresser.
They're so PINK !
These are my chunky necklaces
My bangles and ballers
Necklaces with pendants
The accessory I can never live without: SUNGLASSES!
and last but not the least, my earrings. (Though I never use them because I only use one pair of earrings for all occassions)
I really dont go for fancy earrings. I dont know, maybe I was really just not made for them.
After fixing everything (and cleaning, ofcourse), I finally arranged everything in its place. And.. TADA!
Boy does that look so much better than a while ago!