By now, you must all know about my love for Chanel. I have loved Chanel ever since Lauren Conrad came to exist. Though I cannot afford anything Chanel, I still absolutely adore the brand and everything that comes close to resembling any of its designs.
My favorite would be the Chanel Classic 2.55 bag. I've always wanted one and so I'd always be on the hunt for anything that looks like it. And so today, I have found one beautiful bag that screams Chanel. It's not a replica or a fake (I am thankful its not !) which makes me love it more. I want my first Chanel to be authentic, if I even get to get one. Haha !
For some reason, the whole chain link strap has been increasing popularity in fashion. In almost all the malls, one may find atleast ONE bag similar to that of Chanel in terms of the chain, or the quilted bag, etc. They dont always resemble Chanel's 2.55 though because these other brands still try to make their items seem original.
Chanel's classic series will probably be the next Louis Vuitton. I remember last year when the sale of those (not only authentic, but also FAKE) Louis Vuitton speedys were so rampant. Everywhere you went, someone had a speedy. May it be a business woman, a maid, or a saleslady. There wasnt any point in buying an authentic LV speedy during that time because no one would even care if it was authentic or not because of the many other knock-offs being sold throughout the market.
Oh dear, I really do hope the same thing won't happen to Chanel. It's just too precious to be knocked-off :(
Anyhoo, so I had a meet-up today for one of the items in my shop. Thank God I already sold it. I just really wanted to get rid of it, besides, it wasnt even pretty in the first place. So there, I had money and decided to buy this bag. LOL. So much for saving.
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