Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Pink and Blue!

Today it was ACET and class picture day. I didnt really like how the pictures turned out and I'm not even in the nice one:( (in my camera, atleast) Sucks.


Well, no. I probably just didnt like it cause it wasnt so organized.. so many people werent seen in the first one and I just thought that we werent distributed well. All the guys were at the back in both pictures. Except for the very AUDACIOUS ones such as Joms and Stevie. Ha! Thats a vocabulary word right there you guys! :>


I took this second picture so I'm not in it. Actually it looks pretty good. I think our color scheme turned out well! I thought we looked cute! It would've been funnier though if we stuck to the Girls-Blue Guys-Pink color scheme. Haha!


The boys brought their sunnies for the photos and since I ALWAYS have a pair with me (I never leave home without them!!) I took a picture with them. THESE ARE MA HOMIES. ;)

I cant believe that was everyone! I'm really gonna miss aalll of my classmates when review is over. Ilovelovelove my class for life! AP7 all the way :D

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